Nation first

In order to inculcate the countrymen of India with the feelings of patriotism and nationalism, the NGO, keeping their country first, gave the message of nationalism to the youth and to the new generation by organizing the national festivals of the country in glorious and magnificent ways.
We worked tirelessly to awaken the notion of sacrifice in every countryman and the need to stand strong and united in order to face every misfortune that befalls our country
In order to inculcate the countrymen of India with the feelings of patriotism and nationalism, the NGO, keeping their country first, gave the message of nationalism to the youth and to the new generation by organizing the national festivals of the country in glorious and magnificent ways.
We worked tirelessly to awaken the notion of sacrifice in every countryman and the need to stand strong and united in order to face every misfortune that befalls our country
In order to inculcate the countrymen of India with the feelings of patriotism and nationalism, the NGO, keeping their country first, gave the message of nationalism to the youth and to the new generation by organizing the national festivals of the country in glorious and magnificent ways.
We worked tirelessly to awaken the notion of sacrifice in every countryman and the need to stand strong and united in order to face every misfortune that befalls our country

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 Shama Educational And Polytechnic Society NGO in Delhi Shama Educational And Polytechnic Society NGO in Delhi



1202, Street No, 39/4, Jafrabad Delhi 110053

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